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Puro nutrimento del corpo, della mente e dell’anima

The Origins


In an ancient valley, located in a remote setting in central Italy—more precisely in Castelbottaccio, a small village, nestled halfway between the sea and the mountains—stands the Rural Temple of the Collettivo Castelboom. A unique initiative that sprang from a rather unorthodox impulse and the “revolutionary” desire to revive these sites and allow them to start over again by returning to the roots.

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The Great Arrival

 The original idea grew from the founders’ earliest impressions upon their arrival at this special location. For it was at that moment that they experienced the extraordinarily fruitful and vibrant relationship between man and nature. Driven by this fervent sentiment they have themselves become vehicles of this externally projected vigour, thereby contributing to the birth of a new sense of belonging. Through this newfound synergy, their individual selves penetrated and entered a special collective spiritual dimension, in turn giving rise to a single entity inspired by a deeply-rooted work ethic and a strong aesthetic awareness.




From the outset, this desire for a Renaissance found its roots in love, in a bond with the territory, and in their determination to leave a material sign by means of conceiving a distinctly rural contemporary art form, which expresses itself through three tangible interventions in the valley below. A magical place surrounded by a truly unspoiled landscape, inhabited only by ancient olive groves and sited in the shade of the majestic Morgia, a rock formation that has fuelled artisanal creativity for centuries.
